Former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi hospitalized due to heart problems

24 March 2021, 22:03 | Incidents
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Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, now 84, has been in hospital since Monday due to heart problems.

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Sources close to the politician say that he is in the San Rafaele Hospital in Milan and is doing relatively well..

The case, which the court is considering, is related to the long-standing case of Berlusconi's connection with a minor dancer from Morocco.

The current case involves 29 defendants - Berlusconi and young women whom he allegedly paid to deny the prosecutors' accusations and not tell the truth about sex parties to which they were invited for money.

Berlusconi was admitted to hospital for the third time in 2021. The last time he was hospitalized in early February after a fall in a residence in Rome, and in January for a checkup for heart problems..

Before that, in the fall of 2020, he tested positive for COVID-19 in early September and spent almost two weeks in the hospital..

Artificial heart valve installed in June 2016.

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