Deputy of Zhytomyr City Council pocketed more than UAH 1.5 million

24 March 2021, 19:56 | Incidents
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The TU RRB in the city of Kiev reported suspicion to the ex-general director of the communal enterprise of the Kiev Regional Council, and now to the deputy of the Zhytomyr City Council for embezzling more than UAH 1.5 million by abuse of office.

This is reported by "

The pre-trial investigation established that in the period from 2016-2018, the general director of one of the KPs of the Kiev Regional Council developed a scheme for the appropriation of budget funds, in which a company registered to his relatives participated.

“He signed fictitious agreements on the provision of information and consulting services for these companies. The ex-general director paid for them at the expense of funds that came from the sublease of premises belonging to a utility company, "

Later, the official embezzled the money paid. As a result, the state and local budgets received less than UAH 1.5 million.

During the pre-trial investigation, more than 50 episodes of such illegal activity were recorded.

The actions of an official are qualified under the article of embezzlement, embezzlement of property or taking possession of it by abuse of official position, committed repeatedly (part. 2, h. 3 st. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

He may face imprisonment for up to 8 years with the deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions for up to 3 years. Pre-trial investigation continues.

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