Hungary records record number of hospitalizations with COVID-19

10 March 2021, 07:23 | Incidents
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In Hungary, the number of hospitalized patients with coronavirus reaches the highest level during the epidemic, breaking the record of the autumn wave.

This is reported by " hu There are 8,270 coronavirus patients in hospitals, according to a March 9 report from health authorities, up from 8,045 in the previous wave..

At the same time, the number of severe patients requiring artificial respiration has also increased - up to 833.

During the autumn wave, the highest rate was 647 patients.

The daily increase in patients has already reached the peak indicators of the autumn wave - more than 6,000 infections per day (the country's population is about 10 million).

At the same time, more than a million people received the coronavirus vaccine in Hungary - 1,047,045.

Hungary, in addition to drugs registered in the EU, uses Chinese and Russian vaccines. Prime Minister Viktor Orban received a Chinese vaccine.

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