In Turkey, five people received life sentences for the murder of the Russian ambassador

10 March 2021, 04:06 | Incidents
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A Turkish court on Tuesday announced the verdict in the murder in Ankara in 2016 of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov.

It is reported by "

The court sentenced three of the 28 defendants to two life sentences, two more to one life sentence.

In particular, Shahin Sogut, the shooter's "

The court also found the former Turkish intelligence officer Vehbi Kurshad Akalyn guilty of organizing the information leak and sentenced him to life imprisonment and 15 years in prison..

In addition, the court sentenced Hussein Kotuce to life imprisonment in a strict regime colony and 15 years in prison for participating in the "

Some of the defendants in the case received prison sentences from 5 to 9 years. Six accused were acquitted.

The court also singled out nine "

Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov was mortally wounded at a photo exhibition in Ankara by police officer Mevlut Altintash in December 2016. Later he was eliminated at the scene..

Turkish prosecutors say Gulen's network was behind the murder, allegedly seeking to worsen relations between Turkey and Russia. Nine people were arrested. Others, including Gulen, who lives in the United States, appeared in court in absentia.

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