Gas pipeline explosion in Poltava region

10 January 2021, 02:22 | Incidents
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In the Poltava region near the village of Kalaydintsy, a powerful explosion thundered on the main gas pipeline.

This was reported in the press service of "

According to available information, the explosion occurred on the main gas pipeline, which is serviced by Ukrtransgaz near the village of Kalaydintsy, which is near the town of Lubny.

Due to an accident, there may be emergency gas outages. Now the list of settlements that are disconnected or will be disconnected from the gas supply is being specified.

At 16:05, gas supply to this section is shut off. Previously, there are no victims or injured.

40 rescuers and 7 units were involved in extinguishing. GSChS equipment. For the personnel of the State Institution of Emergency Situations in the Poltava region, "

The reasons for the explosion are being established.

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