In Kharkov, a conflict arose between political agitators over a place for a tent

16 October 2020, 07:43 | Incidents
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There was a verbal conflict between agitators of two different political parties in Kharkov over a place for a campaign tent with a table.

The communication department of the police of the Kharkiv region reports..

" A woman contacted the police and said that an unknown person was interfering with her campaigning..

The crew of the patrol police arrived at the call and received a statement from a 63-year-old woman, "

The applicant stated that she had a verbal conflict with an agitator from another political force regarding the place where his desk with agitation literature is located.. The man moved this table, assembled the tent and walked from the scene until the police arrived.. In addition, the woman indicated that the man hooked her with a fragment of the structure, but she did not go to the hospital..

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