How the consequences of a major fire in an old house are eliminated in Kharkov

13 October 2020, 07:21 | Incidents
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Burnt walls, broken windows and a damaged floor are all the consequences of a fire that occurred in the 18th house on Kontorskaya Street. Tatyana says that they bought an apartment in it recently, made repairs, but did not have time to celebrate a housewarming, ATN specifies.

One of the apartments on the second floor broke out, and from there the fire began to spread further.

To knock down the flames, the rescuers had to literally flood the house with water, because the old structure with wooden floors was on fire.. Therefore, apartments that survived the fire suffered from water. Residents still have to dry all furniture and personal belongings.. They still continue to liquidate the consequences of the fire.. Tatiana says that after the fire, they could not even enter their apartments, because the rubble blocked access to housing, so the residents had to sort out the garbage on their own.

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