In Nikolaev, the police detained a drunk army soldier who threatened civilians with weapons

16 August 2020, 23:33 | Incidents
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To the police of the Central District. Nikolaev received a message that in a bar a man in a state of alcoholic intoxication behaves inadequately and threatens visitors with a pistol. Police guards, the investigative and operative group of the Central Police Department and employees of the military prosecutor's office of the Nikolaev garrison immediately arrived at the scene. 35-year-old drunk hooligan - a serviceman, investigators detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and taken to the police department.

The pistol, according to preliminary data, the starting one, was seized, according to the police of the Nikolaev region. On this fact, an investigation is underway in criminal proceedings initiated on the basis of a crime under Part. 4 st. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine " In agreement with the military prosecutor's office of the Nikolaev garrison, in the near future the detainee will be informed of suspicion of committing a crime, and the court will choose a measure of restraint for the attacker.

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