Ukrhydrometeorological Center updated the weather forecast for the coming days

16 August 2020, 02:13 | Incidents
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In the next day, dry weather will remain in most regions of Ukraine, only in the Carpathians and in the Transcarpathian region there will be intermittent rains with thunderstorms in places, the Ukrhydrometeorological Center reported..

Sunday wind of variable directions, 3-8 m / s. Temperature at night 8-13 °, in Transcarpathia and Odessa region in places 14-18 °; in the afternoon 23-28 °, in the east of the country in places 21-22 °.

No precipitation in Kiev on Sunday;

temperature at night 11-13 °, daytime about 25 °.

On Monday, no precipitation in Ukraine, only in the Carpathian region in the afternoon in some places intermittent rain, thunderstorm. The wind is weak.

The air temperature at night is 11-16 °, in Transcarpathia and on the coast of the seas up to 19 °, in the eastern part of 8-13 °; day 25-30 °.

No precipitation in Kiev on Monday. The wind is weak. Temperature at night 14-16 °, in the daytime 27-29 °.

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