On the eve of the "

27 July 2020, 10:06 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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On July 26, Russian mercenaries violated ceasefire 13 times in Donbas. During the day, the enemy repeatedly made both provocative and targeted attacks..

In particular, at Vodyanoy, Yuzhny, Shirokino, Pishchevik, Peskov, Skilled and Lebedinsky.

The use of mortars of 120-mm and 82-mm caliber, grenade launchers of various systems, armament of infantry fighting vehicles, UAVs and small arms was recorded.

Not far from Shchastya, the enemy used sniper weapons, and near Avdeevka three 122-mm rockets were fired and 82-mm mortars, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns were fired..

The headquarters noted that in five cases, JFO units from standard weapons opened return fire.

" He was taken to a medical institution in a satisfactory condition and provided the necessary medical assistance, "

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