Young Ukrainian beaten to death in Poland

15 July 2020, 17:37 | Incidents
photo УРА-Информ
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Yesterday, July 14, at about 10:30 Polish time (11:30 in Kiev), the police received a notification that on the street. August 6 in Pulawy, a man beats a woman and pulls her into an apartment building. The patrolmen were the first to hit the scene. On the ground floor of the building, the police quickly defeated and arrested a person who might have been involved in the incident..

This was written by URA-Inform with reference to the press service of the local police.

In one of the apartments, officers found a bloodied woman. They immediately began resuscitation, which was continued by medical rescuers. In very poor condition, the victim was taken to a hospital in Pulawy. Shortly after this, she died..

At the scene, the police held events under the strict supervision of a prosecutor. It was found that the victim is a 26-year-old Ukrainian citizen who has been living and working in Pulawy for some time.. The detainee is a 45-year-old citizen of Moldova.

Currently, further proceedings are ongoing in this case, including with the participation of a detained 45-year-old man.

Earlier we reported that in Kharkov a woman committed suicide and killed her son.

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