Kharkov police establish the circumstances of the conflict with the participation of journalists

15 July 2020, 01:00 | Incidents
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On July 14 at 11:00 a message was received at the duty station of the Novobavar police department that a conflict had occurred in Tbilissky lane. According to police, it was found that a quarrel arose between the representatives of one of the television channels and a local resident, during which the camera crew discovered the absence of a tripod for the video camera.

On the fact of the incident, criminal proceedings have been opened for h. 1 tbsp. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of article prescribes punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years. Journalists wrote a statement stating that the man was using foul language and threatened with physical harm. According to the media, the relatives of the Kharkiv woman who attacked the journalists, who, according to the investigation, killed the child and committed suicide, attacked the journalists..

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