About the main on the main for July 7, 2020

08 July 2020, 06:03 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Fire in the Luhansk region:.

The fire started in the morning of July 7. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe villages of Volchye and Smolyaninovo, Novoaydarsky district, the fire covered about 85 hectares. The fire destroyed about 80 country houses of the Wolf Pit garden cooperative and 30 residential buildings in. Smolyaninovo, where the evacuation was carried out.

Fire aviation was sent to the site.

flew out (in place, - ed. ) 2 fire aircraft from Kramatorsk.

TEB and emergency commission will meet on July 9;

all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs involved. More than 500 police officers help firefighters. Their task: evacuation, medical care, liquidation of the consequences of a fire.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky held an emergency meeting on the elimination of a forest fire in the territory of the Novoaydarsky district of the Luhansk region.

*** On the morning of 9:00 in Ukraine 49607 (+564 per day) laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 1283 were fatal, 22193 patients recovered.

*** Note that last day in the Kharkiv region recorded 47 new cases of coronavirus, 12 people recovered. One person died.

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