In the Kharkiv region, police uncovered a criminal group that was involved in the abduction of elite cars, the press service of the National Police of Ukraine reports:.
Police vse vstanovlenі__tstsya rehovuvannya early treasures of transport. In an hour of sanctioning operatives, operatives viyavili ta viluchili vikradeni omic cars - “Mazda СХ5”, “Toyota camry” and “Lexus”.
They made it to the next vikradachіv prakіvniki vіddіlu rozkrittya illegal zavolodіnnya transport planes Administration of the Karne roshshuku regional headboard polіtsії. Brokerage group trival uprodvzh pivroku. During the hour, poliTseyyskiy zadokumentuvali protypravnіnі dії zlovmisisnikіv, they were specialized in the illegal zavolodіnnі "elіtnimi" cars of the earthly virobnitstva.
The sinters at their own evil deeds vi- ritually adapted for those who are looking for the doors of the transport and security systems, the code grabbery of the signal type and the fault-bearing units of the electronic systems, and those that are based on the type of signaling and fault, and the fault-bearing blocks of the electronic systems, the signal system, and the fault-bearing units of the electronic systems, are of the signal type and the fault of the fault of the control system, and the keynote.
To the warehouse of the group uvyshli five years old, 30 to 41 years old, two with ugly women of the Russian Federation. Sered of the villains of the boule chitko rozpodіlenі rolі - keruvav dіyalnіstyu groups of 30-year-old cholovik, two єnshih yogogo podіlnikіv boules without an alternate viconavtsami.
Фігуранти були оізнані about the methods of operational – rossukovoy dyalnost_, conspiracies that were unique to each other and uniquely divided by the criminally vidovіdalnost_.
Stinks of Vikoristovuvaly alternatively a telephone call, mobile phone termination with clone ІМЕІ, post_yno zmіnyuyuyu subscriber numbers.
Pid hour skoєnnya zlochinіv i bezposeredno pіslya їh vchinennya and takozh for holding sposterezhennya for poterpіlimi in yakostі the car "suprovodu" zlovmisniki vikoristovuvali avtomobіlі of numbers that іnozemnoї reєstratsії vіtchiznyanogo virobnitstva.
Zaraz sledchy dії trivayat. Vir_shuєєtsya nutrition scrambled slavnuyu zlvomisnikami zapobіzhny zayku.