Knyazev: the driver of a minibus caught in an accident in Zaporozhye had no documents for the transportation of passengers

11 August 2018, 16:30 | Incidents
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On August 11, a meeting was held with the participation of First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Sergey Yarovoy, Head of the National Police of Ukraine Sergey Knyazev and Deputy Head of the National Police - Head of the Main Investigation Department of Vitaly Nevgady. The meeting discussed the state of counteraction to road and transport incidents and discussed the course of preventive measures to prevent accidents, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Sergey Yarovoi emphasized the need for strict control over the state of the road situation in the country.

"It is necessary to analyze the causes as much as possible, identify problem areas of the road and arrange the outfits in accordance with the received data. We must take comprehensive measures to prevent accidents, "- said the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

The chairman of the National Police Sergey Knyazev informed about the investigation of two resonant accidents that occurred during August 10.

According to him, now the police detained the driver of a truck that collided with a minibus in Zaporozhye, in accordance with article 208 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine.

"In addition, it was previously established that the driver of the minibus did not have any permits for the transportation of passengers and the implementation of this type of activity. Now the holiday season, so the increased demand for carriers. This is what some car owners use in pursuit of profit. They do not take into account the lack of permits for the carriage of passengers, and often they are not stopped even by the lack of a driving experience, "said the head of the National Police.

Deputy Head of the National Police - Head of the Main Investigation Department Vitaly Nevgad stressed that the investigation of these road accidents is on his personal control.

"On the fact of committing an accident in the Khmelnytsky region, an open criminal proceeding under Art.. 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Violation of road safety rules". The issue of choosing a preventive measure against the driver of the Audi is being decided, "said Vitaly Nevgad.

Chairman of the National Police Sergey Knyazev noted that the complex measures under the conditional name "Carrier". In particular, as of August 10 this year, the police inspected more than 64,000 vehicles and found almost one and a half thousand technically faulty vehicles used to transport passengers.

"In almost 20 days of such preventive measures, the police established 12,800 facts of violations of the law committed by passenger drivers. Already identified 50 drivers who ran buses in a state of intoxication. We will continue such measures to counter accidents, "- said Sergey Knyazev.

Let's remind, the police has detained the driver of the lorry, collided or faced with a minibus in Zaporozhye.

Also in the Khmelnitsky region in an accident in the Letychiv district, two people were killed and four injured.

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