In the Rivne region as a result of an accident, a truck driver burned to death

11 August 2018, 14:05 | Incidents
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The traffic accident, which led to the tragic consequences, occurred today, on August 11, around 6:20 on the "Kiev-Chop" highway.

At the scene, the police previously established that the driver of the car "DAF 95", moving in the direction of Lviv, in the village of Ptichya, collided with the car "GAZ" (milk tanker) under the control of a 41-year-old resident of the village of Staraya Nosovitsa, Dubensky district, who left the secondary road.

As a result of the collision, the DAF truck caught fire. The fire killed his driver.

Another driver, a 41-year-old resident of the Zhytomyr region, was not injured.

The driver of the milk tanker, preliminarily with thermal burns, 20% of the body was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the medical institution.

Employees of the State Service for Emergency Situations fire promptly liquidated.

The investigative-operational group and experts are working on the scene.

Movement on this site is difficult. Police organized a detour for cars, freight - waiting.

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