Drunk driver tested the strength of the fence on pr. Gagarin

10 August 2018, 13:47 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Tonight, the driver of the Daewoo car hit a fence along the roadway of Gagarin Avenue in Kharkov.

On a place of road accident arrived patrol.

While communicating with the Daewoo driver, the cops found signs of alcohol into the man, but the driver refused to undergo a medical examination for intoxication.

As a result, the patrol officers made two administrative protocols for the violation of traffic rules, which resulted in damage to the vehicle and fencing (art.. 124 КУoАП), and also driving with a sign of intoxication (ст. 130 КУоАП). In the future, the administrative materials will be submitted to the court.

"In total for the past day in Kharkov patrolmen left for 35 road accidents, of which 8 accidents with the victims," ??the police said..

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