Died a 5-month-old baby whose stroller was shot down in Kharkov

15 July 2018, 00:41 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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This is reported by Kharkov 1654:.

Recall, about the emergency, which happened today at 18. 00 in Kharkov, police of the region reported:.

Previously installed, the 28-rіchny water of the car "VAZ" not vporovsya kerуvannyam that vihav on the sidewalk. As a result, having scraped the wheelchair, there was a malyuk. Along the way, the ditin wikinulo from the stroller.

Слідчим вирішується питання про відкриття кримінального провадження. All outfits come in handy. На місці працює слідчо-оперативна група.

As wrote in 1654, there were four drunken people in the car:.

Four drunken bodies on VAZ 2107, presumably returning from Bezludovsky's quarry, did not fit into the turn and were shot down by a woman with two children. From the impact the carriage was thrown aside.

A 5-month-old child was given artificial respiration, now in serious condition. The woman suffered.

As eyewitnesses say, one of the perpetrators fled.

The fact that the driver was drunk on his page in the social network was written by People's Deputy of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko:.

When you bitches get drunk to satiety and burst before you sit drunk behind the wheel? !!.

Again in Kharkov, a drunk driver drove the dead drunk friends home after a holiday outside the city.

And knocked on the pedestrian crossing a baby carriage with a child inside.

5 month old baby, died from received injuries on the spot.

The driver was detained by the patrol police and sent for examination.

After that it will be detained.

Judges must be fair and ruthless by Fridays at the wheel and give them maximum sentences.

Only long real, not conditional terms of imprisonment and public disgrace for drivers sitting down drunk behind the wheel, can stop the bacchanal on the roads.

Razorha not in the loo. Ruin in the heads!.

In September, the Verkhovna Rada will have to pass a law on criminal liability for those who are repeatedly detained for driving under the influence, even if he did not create an accident.

I do not see any other way.

Penalties that we introduced recently at 20 and 40 thousand hryvnia do not stop the idiots sitting down drunk driving.

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