In Cherkassy, ??the Mercedes was undermined by a famous businessman

16 June 2018, 18:29 | Incidents
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In Cherkassy on Saturday, June 16, the car "Mercedes" exploded,. As reported by the police communication sector of the Cherkassy region, a report of the incident was received at 7 am. As a result of the explosion, the driver of the car was injured, he was taken to the hospital. Later it became known that the victim died.

The cause of the explosion is established. The question of opening criminal proceedings is being solved.

According to the local newspaper Pro All, the driver of the Mercedes E280, died without regaining consciousness from a significant loss of blood. According to preliminary information, a self-made explosive device. According to unofficial sources, the driver was 69-year-old Anatoly Skoromny.

He was the director of the TC "Transit" and headed the Board of the regional branch of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the Cherkasy region.

Source: ZN.

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