In the center of Glasgow, the School of Arts

16 June 2018, 12:36 | Incidents
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The fire at the Glasgow School of Art took place for the second time in four years.

This is reported by NV with reference to The Guardian.

After the first emergency call at 11 pm, more than 120 firefighters set off for the scene of the incident.

The fire spread to the neighboring night club building. Firefighters announced an emergency evacuation of residents of the quarter.

The building of the library of the School of Arts, built on the design of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, was considered a model of the Scottish Art Nouveau.

In 2014, a strong fire broke out in the halls of the library, and since then, restoration work has been carried out at the site. The building was to open next year.

Now the o2 abc is on fire next to Glasgow School of art pic. twitter. com / qp3VQv0sIu - blair (@ bl4irrr) June 16, 2018.

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