In the Dnepropetrovsk region the truck fell from the bridge to the railway tracks

16 June 2018, 10:41 | Incidents
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15 chernivnya about 20:55 to the Service poryatunku "101" has been published about the road-transporting benefit, yak was in the Novomoskovsk district, 230 km avtoshlyahu "Kiev-Lugansk-Ivarine", a turn to Moscow Novomoskovsk.

On the territory of the boulevard was sent to the Chervona guard of the 31st of the 60th and the most powerful przhezhno-ryatyvalnyi parts of the Head Department of the DSNS of Ukraine near Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

On pributtyu pozhezhno-ryatuvalnih pidrozdіlіv bulo vstanovleno, sho vodyі vtotazhnogo avtomobilya "IVECO", state number AR 1988 EI, (vtanazhopidyomnist 30t, empty), gromadyanin 1962 rock folk, not vporavsya keruvannyam, as a result of which having allowed a car in the car bridge 2 halls in the range "Samarivka-Novomoskovsk". Виникла затримка залізничным транспортуu. Water in the fronts of the state was hospitalized by the coach of the Shvidko medical assistance to the central station of the Novomoskovsk metro station.

The method of the Shvidkogo vidnuvlenya ruhu on the given dolnitsi, before the arrival of the brigades of the Pridniprovskoye Hall, pidrozdilami of the Head Department of the DSNS in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast carried out robotics on the basis of one of the number of rooms in the collection. Ruh zaliznichnogo transportu zdіysnyuєt'sya on odnієї kolії z zatrymkoju. For the submission of information on the draft of the plan, the technician of 195 pontoon-bridge corral of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

About 22:50 trucking a car, vityagnuto from a halloween room. Підрозділом Head management of ДСНС in Дніпропетровській області carried out roboty on the zmivannu of feces-mastilnyh materіalіv, sho vitekli z poshkodzhenogo avtomobilya.

About 23year. 00хв. рух по залізничним коліям відвлено повністю.

До ліквідації наслідків аварії залучено 30 чоловік, 7 одниць техніки, з них від Head Managers ДСНС у областиі - 11чоловік та 3одиниці техніки.

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