In Kiev region, the soldier-contractor abruptly changed his mind to serve in the Supreme Armed Forces and fled

16 June 2018, 08:12 | Incidents
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For zvinuvachennyam Viaskovo Prosecutor's Office of the Darnytsia Garrison of the Central Regions of Ukraine, soldiers of the Vysk Service for a contract, which is not known before the Visnya Part of the Passage of the Faculty Preparation in the Naval Center, the Assault to the Four Rockies of the Pulled Wave.

It was installed, but accusations passed to the Vys'k service in the pidrozdіlі vіys'kovo part, which dislocated in the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi region of the Kiev Oblast, on the territory of the remote-faraway self-artillery divisions.

З 03. 10. 2017 to 16. eleven. 2017, увідомлюючи суспільно-небезпечні наслідки та бажаючи їх настання, він, діючи without permission of senior managers of those commanders, without significant reasons, not having been assigned to the Vіys'k service before the Vіys'k party. Zgodom vykazany Vijskovo sluzhbovets Buv attracted to the criminality of the impasse and the accusations of the Darnitsk District Court m. Києва до 3 років побавлення волі з випробувальним строком на один рік.

Prothe, з 13. 03. 2018 to 14. 04. 2018, soldier-contractor, zladivshi vіys'kovіyі присязі, znovu not z'yavlya доsya to miіccy passenняnya sluzhby, zaroshuuchi vіys'kovі statіti i діюче законодавство України. Slidstvom vstanovleno, scho deserter dіyav umіsno, without povazhnih for those reasons, usvіdomlyuyuchi saspіlno-nebezpechnyi nature of his dіyannya ta perebachayuchi yogo sushpilno nebezpechnyі nalіdki v umyvakh osoblyvogo periodu, krіm voennogo stanu.

14. 03. 2018 Viaskovo prosecutor's office of the Darnytsia garrison after the fact that the right-hander did not appear to serve until the Vyskoy Part without serious reasons.. 4 items. 407 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

16. 04. 2017 досудове розслідування кримінального провадження for the fact that the boole was completed, and the act of accusation was docked before the Darnytsky district court. Киева.

12. 06. 2018 Daryn district court.

Kieva, priinyavshi up to the homelessness of the provincial prosecutor Darnitskogo garnіzonu Central Region of Ukraine, vinis prosecuted virok priadnannam partno nevidbudoi pokranyni pokorennya ti sekreti yomu realnu miru pokarannya vidi pozavlennya volo string for 4 roki.


• h. 4 items. 407 CC of Ukraine, "Samovilnaya zalishenya vyskoy partii abo mistsya zabibi, and takozh nez'yavlennya vsasno to the service without pozhazhnyh reasons, vchineni in the particularities of the special perimod, krim vestnogo stanu, vichinene vyskovskogo sluzhbovetsem stilkoy servi chi vys'kovskomusbovtsemtsem (krim strolovyi servi) - punish pozbalennyam волі на строк від трёох до семи років ».

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