In Kharkov on a bribe caught a policeman

16 June 2018, 02:04 | Incidents
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At p'yatnitsu, 15 chernivnia 2018, prosecutors of the Vyskovskoy prosecutor's office of the Kharkiv garrison, spilno zі spivobritnikami GU BKOZ Management of the Security Council of Ukraine in the Kharkov region in the order of. 208 CCP of Ukraine, for vimagannya that is sustained by unjust vigod in rozmіrі 75 tys UAH, zatrimaniye intercessor of the chief - head of the litter of one of the districts in the district. Харкові.

It is established that the person has been ordered by the service officer, dyuchi umisno, vikoristovochi svoe otpobovoe stanovishe, vimagav that having confiscated from the gromadinina of Ukraine, penned groshovi koshti for vchinennya in yogi enteresy dіy schodo zakrtya krimninalnogo provadzhennya.

Yogo zatrimano odrasa pislya ostanzhdenya nepravoynogo vigodi that nadannya gromadyaninu decree about zakrtya kriminalnogo provazhennya.

Наразі to be conducted першочергові слідчі (розшукові) дії, trivayut oshuki.

Zatrimanoi goytitsya povidomlennya about pizosru in vchinennnyi kriminalnogo pravoporoshennya, pobabachenogo. 3 items. 368 CC of Ukraine to the court there will be a cloak bustle about the tying of a memorable call at the sight of the triemann piw wartoi, and so on the other side of yogo vіd zaymanoї siti.

Досудове розслідування здійснюється слідчими СВ Управління СБ України в Харківській області під processual kerіvnitsvom vіys'koy prosecutor's office Харківського гарнізону.

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