In Australia, the most massive in 20 years of shooting

11 May 2018, 16:30 | Incidents
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Seven people, four of them died as a result of the most massacre in Australia since 1996. This is reported by the ABC News channel. The bodies of two adults with gunshot wounds were on the street, five more were found inside the house in the city of Osmingson in the west of the country. A police spokesman for the city, Chris Dawson, said that all those who died allegedly lived in the house where the crime occurred.

The search for suspects is not conducted, as the police considers the incident as a suicidal murder and tries to contact the relatives of the victims. "We will investigate this terrible crime," he added.. The identity of the dead and their age is also not disclosed. The most mass murder in the history of Australia - the shooting of 35 people in the city of Port Arthur in April 1996. 28-year-old man opened fire on visitors to a cafe from a semi-automatic rifle AR-15. In the course of shooting, 22 people survived injuries. The offender was sentenced to 35 life sentences.

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