The elimination of the United States was taken up by nature

11 May 2018, 13:44 | Incidents
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A completely non-attractive natural phenomenon awaits the inhabitants and guests of the Hawaiian Islands. In the near future, there will begin bombardment with red-hot cobblestones weighing up to 10 tons. This was warned in the Hawaiian Volcanic Observatory. 667x375In the beginning of the month on the Big Island of the 50th US state, Kilauea volcano woke up. Magma broke to the surface on May 3 in the residential area of ??Leilani Estates, 64 km from the top of the volcano. 35 houses were destroyed, urgent evacuation was required for 1700 people. But this eruption turned out to be only a harbinger of a real disaster, Science Alert cites a warning from scientists. The level of the lava lake in the area of ??Kilauea volcano fell sharply. If the molten rocks descend even lower, they will meet with groundwater and then there will be a most powerful explosion. The pieces of rocks will fly from the epicenter of the explosion in all directions.

Stones weighing 10-12 tons will fall at a distance of 1 km from the volcano, smaller ones will go much further, and an ash cloud will cover a territory over 30 km, experts say.. When the explosion happens, scientists say it is difficult, but they are sure that this is a matter of weeks, not more. The Governor of the State David Ige has already declared the area around Kilauea a zone of natural disaster. He warned the administration of the country that Hawaii at any time may need to evacuate helicopters, and has already applied for help in eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster. In that it happens, no one has any doubts.

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