Police found the murder of a female taxi driver in Cherkassy

12 January 2018, 20:43 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Woman-taxi driver Irina Chuprina, who disappeared between January 7 and 8 in the Cherkassy region, was found dead, the suspect in her murder was detained.

This was reported by Deputy Head of the National Police Vyacheslav Abroskin.

"Cherkasy. At night from 7 to 8 January this year, daughter, 1999. , loses touch with his mother, 1976. , who works as a taxi driver, and turns to the police. As a result of a complex of events, a woman's car was found, "he said..

"Later, a suspect in the murder of a woman. Today he was detained. A few hours ago the corpse of the victim was found in the forest belt. Twenty-year-old scum when committing a murder, he said, "was very drunk and stabbed a woman with a knife," - wrote Abroskin.

Vyacheslav Abroskin He expressed his condolences to the family of the murdered woman and thanked the police officers of Cherkasy for the prompt identification of the circumstances of the crime and the detention of the suspect in the murder.

Earlier it was reported that a local resident applied to the police of the Cherkasy department with a statement about the disappearance of her mother - a taxi driver of one of the carriers in the city of Cherkassy.

My daughter told me that my mother left on a Mercedes Vito on a white car on January 7, 2018, and on January 8, she did not leave her car during the usual period of time.

Taxi driver Irina Chuprina last contacted the relatives at 19:45 on the eve of the disappearance.

About 4 am on January 8 in Cherkassy near the children's park "Fairy Tale", she took two men who had to go to Smela. Since then, the whereabouts of the woman was unknown.

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