In Paris, stole a diamond necklace worth 560 thousand euros

22 December 2017, 06:46 | Incidents
photo УРА-Информ
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Its cost is 560 thousand euros. In this case, the theft was committed directly to the eyes of the seller.

According to the French edition of Le Parisien, the incident occurred at the end of the working day in the jewelry store Messika, located on the street Saint Honore. The thief entered the store, unseen the window, using the carelessness of the employee, and also imperceptibly carried the necklace.

At the same time, the seller had to watch video from surveillance cameras to understand who the theft was committed.

Now the police conduct an investigation into the theft of an expensive necklace.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the capital of the banking cell hackers abducted about 350 thousand dollars, as well as one kilogram of gold bars.

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