The rescue works at the mine "Esaulskaya" in the Kuzbass continue

22 December 2017, 01:26 | Incidents
photo Life-News.Ru
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Rescuers passed almost half of the search and rescue work to reach three miners, cut off by a blockage. The length of the mine can be about 14 meters.

The miners maintain constant telephone communication, through the drilled wells miners already managed to pass food twice, in thermoses hot water, tea, drinking water, additional light sources, warm blankets. The status of the trinity is assessed as satisfactory. The mine monitors temperature, ventilation, mine atmosphere. Indicators are OK. Telephone communication, power supply and ventilation of the mine work regularly. The work is carried out round the clock in shifts. The extraction of a corner at the mine is suspended.

On Wednesday evening at the mine "Esaulskaya" in the ventilation drift of the mine at a depth of 300 meters there was a collapse of the rock.

At this time in the mine there were one hundred miners, 97 could evacuate, but three people were blocked by a blockage. It is known that they did not suffer. Then it was decided not to disassemble the blockage, but to concentrate on passing the workings.

Kemerovo Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office for Supervision over the Execution of Laws in the Coal Mining Industry, as well as the Investigation Department of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the region, began checking on the fact of the incident.

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