Giant creeping bastard blocked the way policemen in Australia

11 December 2017, 22:46 | Incidents
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In Australia, one should never forget about a polite attitude not only to representatives of its biological species. For example, if a giant python crawls past you, do not try to hustle it.

This truth is well known to the Australian policeman - judging by the latest incident that happened with two patrols in Queensland.

Guards of the order faced a huge python, the size of which was about 5 m, reports "My Planet" with reference to Mashable.

The police car simply could not continue on until the snake coyly crawled about its business. Law enforcers had no choice but to photograph what was happening.

Amethyst python is the largest of all snakes that inhabit Australia. Usually it is found in the woods, it is very rare to find it near residential buildings. People are not interested in eating python, he prefers birds and small mammals. Thanks to polite policemen, he will not soon change his diet.

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