An explosion occurred in New York in Manhattan, four people were injured

11 December 2017, 21:51 | Incidents
photo УРА-Информ
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As a result of the incident, four people were injured. As the fire department of the city reports, the explosive device was put into action in the underground passage to the terminal of the station. Local television also reports that the police found a possible second device.

However, the New York police said that the explosion tried to arrange a suicide bomber with an explosive device attached to the body.

A law enforcement official said that the man had an explosive device attached to his body when it exploded at the train station in New York.

In turn, the Mayor of the city Bill de Blasio called the explosion an act of terrorism.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the American city of New Windsor, New York State on Monday evening, November 20, at the cosmetic factory Verla International, a series of explosions. As a result of the incident, not less than 75 people were injured.

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