The probable cause of the sudden death of the US military in Lviv is named

11 December 2017, 21:15 | Incidents
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The death of an American serviceman near one of the shops in Lviv could have come because of a heart attack.

This was reported by the press service of the Lviv regional state administration.

"On December 10, at 11:28 am, an ambulance station. Lviv received a message that on the street. Lemkovskaya (near the weapons store) as a result of a heart attack (tentatively), a US serviceman suddenly died, "the report said..

Foreign military has died before the arrival of an ambulance. His body was taken to the regional forensic medical morgue.

It is also noted that the American was on a business trip in the Yavoriv training center, and on the day of death was dismissed.

Source: Apostrophe.

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