Pro-Russian militants covered Avdeevka with "Grads"

11 December 2017, 18:48 | Incidents
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About an hour ago Avdeevka of the Donetsk region was subjected to massive shelling. As the head of the regional state administration Pavel Zhebrivsky said, according to preliminary information, the shelling was conducted from the MLRS "Grad".

Як доповідає мені голова ВЦА Авдіївки Pavlo Malihin, three shells (for the time information - Grad), fell into the area of ??the bombardment of the gas supply station gas station Ocheretin-Avdiyivka. In addition, the bullet was interrupted by the LEP, and by the extension of the pivdgolyny,. Electric REMu promptly spratsyuvali і vzhe vidnovili electropostachannya.

Adepts of the "Russian world", yaki namagayutsya zalyakati people that zavadit us nalagoditi peacefully zhitty u Avdіїvtsi, zapevlyayu: youri dії - цинічні й жорстокі, але марні. Попри yourі намагання Авдіївка буде з газом, світлом і водою.

On rashistskih obstrіli and provokatsії at us vidpovіd one - vperta zlagodzhena robot usih services, - has written Жебривский in Facebook.

As reported in the police, shells fell in the area of ??

the former warehouse of one of the electrical stores on the street. Industrial, about 200 meters from the coke plant. As a result, the electropor is damaged, because of which part of the city for some time was left without light. Currently, the electricity supply has already been restored.

At the scene of the incident, the investigative and operational group of the Avdeevsky police station.

The question of opening a criminal trial on this fact. 2 items. 258 "Terrorist Act" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

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