In Lviv, three citizens died from hypothermia

11 December 2017, 13:19 | Incidents
photo УРА-Информ
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Such data was disseminated in the department for the protection of citizens of the LOG. So, at about 10:00 in the morning. Lysyatichi of Stryi district, local residents identified the body of a local resident, born in 1975. The body was without signs of violent death.

The corpse was soon delivered to the morgue of the Stryjskoy central rayon hospital. The preliminary cause of human death is hypothermia. On the same day at 14 o'clock in the forest in the. Siglovata on the cart uncovered the bodies of two local residents (1946 and 1967) without any signs of violent death. They were also sent to the morgue.

As reported URA-Inform, the corpse was found near the building of the National Bank.

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