Triple accident in Ternopil region: a man was killed

11 December 2017, 13:09 | Incidents
photo УРА-Информ
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So, in the Ternopil region a triple traffic accident was recorded, as a result of which a person was killed, and also four were injured. Such data was disseminated by representatives of the press service of the police of Ternopil region.

As it turned out - the accident occurred on December 9 at about 6:30 pm in Podvolochisky district. According to preliminary data - the driver of the car brand Opel Zafira failed to manage and eventually there was a collision with a trailer Renault Premium. This car was driving on the oncoming traffic. Then Opel dropped, and he crashed into the Renault Trafic.

As reported URA-Inform, in the capital in an accident came a snow-removing machine.

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