The American military instructor died in Lviv

11 December 2017, 01:48 | Incidents
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On Sunday, December 10, in one of the shops of Lviv on Lemkovskaya, a 21-year-old foreign citizen suddenly died. This was reported by the press service of the local police.

Causes and circumstances of death are established, writes the Left Bank.

At the same time, in the Lviv regional media center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the agency reported that the deceased was a member of the US Armed Forces, who was part of the mission of military instructors at the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security (Yavorovsky military training ground). In Lviv, he was on leave.

Recall that at the end of November at the Yavorivsky testing range in the Lviv region, the rotation of the US military. 250 instructors of the 27th Infantry Brigade of the US Army Combat Team replaced colleagues from the 45th Infantry Brigade of the National Guard of the American Armed Forces.

NATO countries began training Ukrainian fighters at the Yavorovsky training ground in the framework of the "United Multinational Training Group" in 2015. For all time, more than five and a half thousand Ukrainian servicemen have been trained, including three battalions of the National Guard and nine battalions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For today this is the third rotation.

Ukrainian fighters were trained by instructors of the 76th Infantry Brigade from California, 45th from Oklahoma and now began the military of the 27th Infantry Brigade from the State of New York.

Each group of Ukrainian servicemen undergo training at the Yavorovsky training ground for 55 days, improving tactical skills, shooting, studying medical care. The units of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which trained under the guidance of NATO instructors, are now performing combat missions in the Donbas.

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