18 children were poisoned in Koblevo

09 August 2017, 15:12 | Incidents
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Children aged 9 to 12 years were hospitalized with signs of food poisoning, and they also had rotavirus infection.

This was reported on his page in Facebook by the deputy chairman of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration Vitaliy Kindrativ.

"There is unpleasant information about the resort recreation area of ??Koblevo - information was received on a group case of children with signs of food poisoning. According to the operative data, 18 children from Kiev aged 9-12 years, who rested at one of the recreation centers in Koblevo, applied for medical help, "wrote the Kindred.

Children were promptly taken to the hospital, where they were provided with emergency medical care.

"According to preliminary findings of the doctors, the children were diagnosed with rotovirus infection, due to timely medical care the situation is not critical and the condition of patients is not severe.

The administration of the region immediately took the situation under personal control and in case of worsening of the patients' condition, considered the possibility of their transportation to the regional infectious diseases hospital in the city of Nikolaev, "added the Kindred.

According to preliminary examinations, the possible cause of poisoning is poor water quality in the pool where children swam.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, employees of the camp, where children were poisoned, faces three years in prison.

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