Cops at the airport in the capital took red-handed traffickers

21 June 2017, 03:40 | Incidents
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Two 27-year-old Kiev citizens were detained at the Kyiv international airport before boarding a plane. According to the National Police of Kiev, men tried to send two Ukrainian women to brothels, where they planned to use them in the field of sexual services to foreigners.

Attackers recruited girls aged 18-20 years, promising a high salary - up to $ 7 thousand per month. For each "worker" Cypriot accomplices paid Kyivans to 3-5 thousand euros.

A circle of foreigners involved in criminal business is established, as well as victims of girls who are in sexual slavery. Kievans are threatened with 5 to 12 years of imprisonment with or without confiscation of property. Procedural guidance is exercised by the regional prosecutor's office.

Source: Correspondent.

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