"When courage overcomes the fear of death". What is American heroism?

21 June 2017, 01:14 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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"When courage overcomes the fear of death. The fifty-six-year-old former commando David Eubank, now a medical officer, stumbled upon a group of civilians shot by the sniper of Igil. Among the bodies of dead people he saw still a living baby and a girl of five. Under cover, David runs into the zone of defeat in order to get the girl out. "If I died saving her, my wife and children would understand me".

Yubank tried to return for the baby, but this attempt was unsuccessful. Another person the team tried to save died.

Look at how scary the guy is - David moans with fear - but still overcomes himself and several times goes under the sniper fire to save the children.

Covering too good fellows - distracted the fire on themselves.

PS: In the comments the video was dropped, as David was wounded in the left hand in the previous battle, "- wrote the journalist.

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