In Rivne, an explosion exploded in a private house, a watchdog died

15 June 2017, 14:24 | Incidents
photo УРА-Информ
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Here the unknown threw an improvised explosive device into the yard. As a result of the incident, a guard dog was killed and two cars were damaged.

As reported by the press service of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Rivne region, about two o'clock in the morning on the street Vydumka an explosion blasted the yard of a 56-year-old local resident.

At the scene, the police left the homemade device, the pieces of which damaged two cars Porsche Cayenne and HAMER. From the received traumas in a court yard the dog was lost. None of the owners of the house was hurt.

Law enforcers opened a criminal case on the article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Hooliganism and find out all the circumstances of the incident and the persons involved in the committed crime.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in Khmelnytsky police detained a pensioner who threw a grenade in a group of people.

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