Uzbek air defense shot down Afghan military plane

17 August 2021, 14:25 | Holocaust
photo Електронні Вісті
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Uzbek air defense forces shoot down Afghan military plane while attempting to illegally cross the border.

The journalists were informed about this in the Ministry of Defense of the country on Monday, August 16..

According to the information of the military department, the incident occurred the day before in the Sherabad district of the Surkhandarya region bordering Afghanistan.. Both pilots of the Afghan plane survived and are in serious condition in the hospital. The Ministry of Defense is investigating the incident.

In turn, the Tajik authorities allowed planes with Afghan military to land at Bokhtar airport in the south of the country.. "

According to the Foreign Ministry, at the airport of the city, where, in particular, the units of the 201st Russian military base are located, about 100 Afghan soldiers have landed..

After the capture of Kabul by the Taliban, government army personnel try to leave the country. On August 15, Uzbek authorities announced that they detained 84 Afghan soldiers who crossed the border and sought medical help.. Reported by Deutsche Welle.

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