In Vilnius, created a monument to the Russian artist Pavlensky

14 March 2016, 16:59 | Peace
photo Зеркало недели
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In Vilnius, March 11 in front of the Court of Appeal (the former KGB building) established the monument, "I - the perfect citizen". The sculpture represents the head of the artist Peter Pavlensky with sewn mouth on a pedestal. The peculiarity of the monument - its mobility (sculpture stands on wheels).

The author became a Lithuanian sculptor Gintautas Lukoshaytis. According to him - it is not so much a monument Pavlensky as a monument to the courage of the human.

Photos monument to the Lithuanian edition published 15min.

Russian artist Petr Pavlensky known for its bright stocks. The Pussy Riot show of support in 2012, he sewed up his mouth in February 2014, he participated in the campaign "Freedom" in support of the Ukrainian maidan, in 2014, he cut off his earlobe in support Savchenko. In 2015 Pavlensky poured gasoline on the door of the FSB Lubyanka in Moscow. This action, in his words, "a glove that society throws in the face of the terrorist threat".

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