Poroshenko: We did not have, and there will not be a state church

14 October 2018, 14:35 | Policy
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Vistup President of Ukraine ід hour participate in prayer for Ukraine.

“I am Ukrainians ... I love that people, until my death my father, my children, my friends .... I was born in the middle, vir_s, in the new one I slept ... I can’t be Ukrainian, but I can’t do it myself, because oak cannot be reborn in birch, linden into pine. Reshtu their forces vіddam ілком and irrevocably serving the spiritual і church-religious ігіним іттесам svogo ukrainskogo people "... Your Svyatoost!.

Your bliss, all the fathers!.

Dear Ukraine, brother and sister!.

Words yakimi rozpochav svіy vistup - ponad hundred rokіv. Wicked out the stinks of the pen of the pen of the archbishop Oleksiy, one from the core of the Brotherhood of the Resurrection of Christ. Wonderfully in the leaves of the distant 1917, he put on an order of magnitude the day’s food about “in the Ukrainian Church and Russia”.

It is the hour of the national-revolutionary revolution of the nineteenth and twenty first rook of the past table of the nourishment of the Derzhavnost;. Todіshnіy Kiivsky Metropolitan Volodymyr, yakomu zgodom judged to accept the martyr's death vid of godless bіlshovikіv, not allowing meme it at the o'clock lіturgіi "Ukrainian state, I own ІІ І all ukras'ke viyysko". Behind the words of eyewitnesses, Vladyka iz out of life, saying: “Yaka taka Ukraine? Yakiy such Ukrainian people? Khiba malorosi is not the same people as yak ruski? »Metropolitan Kharkiv and Okhtirsky Antonii on Great Day of the 19th, who was reading the words of“ St. John the Great ”, who called us“ market ”in the upper house.

That popri is total nespriyattya ukrainian autocephalous rosiyskopatopat, all blyuy і chervonoy rosі --yu - ruh for the national Orthodox church put i and typing wrapped. Ініціатива Ышла зaterе, від paraphillical clergy and warriors.

Kerіvnitstvo Novopostaloi Oblast power not one, ale all the same, assimilated the historical scale of nutrition, yak clearly vihodil for church thresholds. Getman Skoropadsky especially taking part in one іz zasіdan All-Ukrainian Church Council of the seventeenth fate. “Holidays help us, abi all church help were here in Ukraine”, - Pavlo Petrovich seemed. Koli Well promoskovskі ієrarhi brought the robot to the Cathedral on manіvtsі, mіnіstr spovіdan Getmanskoї powers Oleksandr Lototsky chіtko saying about nemozhlivіst i nepriynyatnіst upravlіnnya Church of strangers Reigning tsentrіv "In samostіynіy derzhavі Tserkva Got Booty samostіynoyu ... Right avtokefalії ukraїnskoї Got church more important than values ??close by of the right side Nezalezhnosti State ... Von Mayzhe in the third samіi mіrі to stand with the bilm in otsі quietly, that’s the national wisdom of the Ukrainian Ukrainian people.

The Іdeї Minister of Lototsky was laid down as a basis for the law on autocephalous, the first nineteenth of nineteenth years was ruled by the Director of the UNR. Wіm, real_yuvati yogo not passed. Head of rank through the internal rozbrat, if Ukraine did not stand up to the aggression, called the state power, and vdtak - і change the mouth of the church of the Orthodox Church.

I vdnovlennya nezalezhnosti in nine ninety first rotsі of the group logically turned on the order of the day and the problem of the Orthodox Square of the Independence Church;. Otozh complete right, yak Іvan Ogікоnko (Іларіон) calling the іл “the second rozmoskovlennya” of the Church, at once our son collected you. І m with you is rote!.

Ukrainian Jordan, our Dnipro, which was majestically flowed around the town of Pagorbi, threw thirty-nine thousand years ago from the waters of this our ancestors and hresheni. And for that seashore rozkinuvshis Istanbul-Constantinople-Tsargrad, the stars of the Christ came to us. There is our Church-Mati. Before her, they turned into autocephalous. The Ecumenical Patriarch - Udiny is at sveti, hto at once, from the Synod, the right is їїї nadati.

And sincerely, you were there, just days ago, from Constantinople, the sound of a good star came: a decision about an autocephalous ukrainian tradition, an autokephalic church — accept! Priynyat і ? once again. So decided the Ecumenical Patriarch and Synod.

Another one is extremely important.. The Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, having known the injustices of unrighteous karis, was implored by Moscow Patriarch Filyaret, head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate, and Yogi the Bliss of the Metropolitan Makary I did not impose. I hit you personally, shannny Vladik. Extremely important, it is canonically renewed by the bishop's san. І vіdnovlene participation in the congregation with the Ecumenical Church. Your priesthood, as a servant of the clergy of the Ukrainian churches, is no longer sublest.. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t fail in the past, but now I’m not right to speculate on the people who are not canonical of non-Orthodox Moscow churches.

Yours, Svyatostey, vi, do not become angry before the Moscow anathema. Немї dumb. Yak, with the statements of representatives of the Ecumenical See, not anathema to Hetman Mazepi. And I want to talk about it, I’m an anathema to Russia - the price is better, because of the merit of Ukraine and the people. Anathema stink even more ukraine Ukrainians!.

I Naretis, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, after having voted for the Moscow Metropolitan Government’s illegal Moscow parliamentary office, is sitting on the nineteenth table.. It is clearly stated that it was stated by him that the Russian Orthodox Church is not part of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine ... Our Orthodox Church is not enough that the Russian Orthodox Church. І Ukraine is not a bula, not є and I will not be a canonical territory of the Russian Church.

Tse duzhe is just patrіarkh Rosіysko ї Orthodox Church on the skin services to pray for Russian possession, possession, yak henilas agresіyu against our country. Patriarch Kiril of the Russian Orthodox Church to pray for Russian military, to drive Ukrainian Ukrainian soldiers, to drive civilian population, to drive Ukrainian people. And here in Ukraine, it’s a pity, є gods, I still remember Commemoration of Patriarch Cyril, a great prayer. I think this is definitely not for the Ukrainian people.. І Khiba mayotrah, in yaki lunajut prayers for patr_arh, yaky pray for the Russians who called themselves Ukrainian?.

I guaranty, scho not budezh vice. I guarantee that the right of my way to God’s skin will be saved. Ale, I asked the bi to just think about it, ponder over the flock and the inner confessions of the confession.

Dear Ukraine!.

To feed Tomos and the autocephalous way far beyond the church life. Tse є food of our Square. Tse - feeding our Ukrainian security. Tse - feeding our own Ukraine. Tse - feeding on all of our geopolitics. And, as a matter of fact, it’s not right, then explain me and what’s the solution of the Ecumenical Patriarch of the breakfast and discuss it on the bezpeks of the Russian Federation, gossip! ? What is wrong with that, in life, as in those of Russia: Kosche, it is precisely known that goal, in yakom yaki, in yakiy screen and in yak oak! Reaction of Moscow on the day of Kiev and Phanar on the right way. Fanar, hto do not know, the center is the residence of the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Autokephalous - part of our state-owned pro-European and pro-Ukrainian strategy, I have succeeded in half of my life ... І, impudently, we will continue to sell it. I don’t zupinit Ukrainian people. І nor in whom we will not be allowed to perpetuate, more virishuati maє Ukraine and the people who fight for will, for freedom, for Maybutn. Autocephalous - tse nayvagom_sha podіya s in the same row, our pragnenya to join, join the European Union and NATO, please let me know, bezvіzovy mode of the European Union, vihіd іz SNM, vіdmova vyd a year.. All tse - the basis of our vlasnogo pitch rozvitku, rozvitku power Ukraine and rozvitku our Ukraine, the nation.

We do not have a bulo, dumb і, nagoloshuyu, will not power the church. І to the Orthodox Church of Tomos, the Orthodox Church of the Holy Nichi is not "inquiring" silomіts. Once again with all your head, tse - nutrition vіlny viboru for the skin. The guaranty, scho vlada povazhatime vibіr quiet, hto virіshit zalishititsya in those church structures, yak zberіgaє є dnіst with the Russian Orthodox Church. Tse їх vib і r і yo yogo dema pavazhati. Ale is the very guarantor, just like the power to whip up the rights of these quietly sacred priests and laity of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate, who voluntarily believe in the viy of Moscow Moscov, at the same time as the Orthodox, create the Ukrainian Ukrainian Orthodox Church..

Spіlna rozbudova Independent Church не can’t be provided for rozbratu, for protesting, for violence. I vazh seemed, yak tіlki de pobachite people, yakli zakikatim take power laurel, monastery of the temple, you know, then - moscow. І m it is not permissible for the Kremlin to ropalize to a re_g_inu vіinu vseredinі our power.

And to the great power, they make their mіsіyu in the food sector. І stench - power, Vlad - qiu missyu vzhe vikonala. We rejected the good star of Constantinople.. Dal –Vzhe internally feeding, in sveitsky vladi vtatchatysya not possible, and there will be no robit.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate priynyav solution about autocephalous! Tomos will be handed over to the primate of the church - a worthy, authoritative, preordained leader, who has learned the archives of the Archangel Cathedral. At the blessings of the Constantinople Patriarch and Mother Church, this was the meeting of the Church of the Patriarchate of the Kyiv Patriarchate, since they were odno-voiced by the adoption of the beast before the Ecumenical Patriarch. Usі єiskopi UAOC. A single-voiced resolution was adopted about the beast to the Ecumenical Patriarch. Along with them, I’m on top of my head, if I’m a group of political parties of the UOC of Moscow Patriarchate, they are turned into an Orthodox cross by an Orthodox cross, and the Ukraine and Russia are Ukrainians.

I am coming to vіryu, scho Cathedral passing in all the steps of our national orders about those, two Ukrainians - there are three getmani. Vіdpovіdalnist, yak lie on the participants of the Cathedral of the Dnieper - without perebіlshennyya historic. The 988th rock of our country accepted the baptism. Until the middle of the 19th century, until Moscow is full, the Metropolitan Kyivan metropolis had wide rights with the structure of the Mother Church.. Ale, nagoloshuyu, tse not vіdnovlennya autokefalії. Nicola ukrainian church autocephalous is not small, within the Ecumenical Orthodox.

Just show us, in our days on our eyes, for our participation, we should focus on the faith of our church!.

By God’s Bohemian in all the orthodox powers, they built their own independence, they established their own Orthodox churches: Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Russia, Rumunia, Serbia and іnshі. Even more importantly, just before them, get to them and Ukraine.

Mi dyakumo Yosogo Vsesvyatostі Bartholomіyu for turbo about Ukraine. Vіn priinyav supremely wise, smіlive, ішуче і відповідальне рішення. Let us glistens with the glory of the Holy God. Ukraine to the impatient check of the young Dushpastrian vizitu to the people, ochreschennogo for hours of the apostolic Saint Prince Volodymyr.

Dear sp_vv_tchizniki!.

I scoop you up for the auto-cephalics. Tse - the great Peremoga of the God-loving Ukrainian people over the Moscow demons, the Peremoga of good over evil, svіtla over tempering. Three rocks to that, two rocks to that, and in into the quartet I seemed: we need prayer and struggle. І The Lord Feel Our Prayers.

Mi zupinili agresora. Mi have saved power. Mi zbuduvali bozdatnu armіyu. І sogodnі svyatkumo Day of the agitator of Ukraine. Mi approved ukrasynsku movu - warehouse force that success of our people.

Mi for tsі m_syatsі shche more perekonalis, shch Pom_sna Tserkva є one із key elements, zaprukoj nezalezhnosti. Sovereign Mova - locking єdnostі.

A strong arm is - locking the world.

Vіtayu vsіh zі holy Protection of the Divine Mother of God, on the Day of the messy potter of Ukraine. Tsi two holy organically poєdnanі. Without the blessing of God, without intercession Blessed Sacred Dvi Marii impregnable zapodat zhodnu I will smuggle in bulk that without prompting my Ukrainian power.

I vsyuyu vse_kh takozh zі zmіnami in vіskovih statutes, yakі legalized our people vіtannya - Glory to Ukraine,.

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