The Ministry of Defense admitted: 128 fighters were fed "nemyasnymi pomoyami"

20 August 2017, 07:48 | Policy
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Упродовж останнього часу лабораторії ветеринарної медицини Міноборони та Зброних Сил України have spent 21.5 yew. Laboratory supplies of food, planned before the implementation of the storage in the warehouse parts. Із of the fatal tonnage of the party harychiv, sho dorivnyuy approx. 15,5 yew. Tons, 1.5 teese. Tons of food products are not allowed to postavannya at vijsk through inadvisability to establish wimogas. For the time being, a briefing in the defense department, after describing the head of the head administration, developing the conduit of the material support of the ZS of Ukraine, Colonel Dmitro Marchenko. The drive for the appearance of the office up to the press of information, the display of the foodstuffs supply of the Zbrojnih Forces, became the result of the conversion of the anchorages of the mushy canned goods, 128 posts, brigades, skargies, bats, volunteers.

- For proruchennyam of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine at the brigade boule was held a vidbir zrazkiv m'yasnih canning. The results of laboratory doslіdzhen vstanovleno scho m'yasnі product is not vіdpovіdayut vimogam sovereign standard i Je zaboronenimi Defense of Ukraine to vikoristannya th postachannya - povіdomiv Colonel Dmytro Marchenko.

Vodnochas із a representative of the Vіys'koj Vіdomosti taku іnformatsіy oprijudnili i volonteri, yakі теж надали зразки отриманих від бійців консервів на лабораторіі дослідження у держпідприємство «All-Ukrainian State Scientific and Vibration Center of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Law of the Rights of Spies». For the results of the viprobusan, the wiring of the DP "Ukrmetrteststandart" should be made in the form of a dossier before the laboratory: "The display of products for organoleptic displays (the calligraphic vigilance and the columus of m'yas) and the phisico-chemistry display (Masov's portion of fat) do not meet the requirements of DSTU 4450 : 2005 "Canned meats. M'yaso tushkovane. Tehnichnyi umovi ».

Zrozumilimi words: in blyashankah zamisty tinned m'yas vishchego Katunku shmatochkami masya not less than 30 grams of substance bullet, the yak included in itself is not similar to m'yaso, but sudinny bunches, coarse tissue, lived, stubble, cartilage. With the mass of Masov, the portion of fat became 25% less than the so-called m'yasnyh preserves.

Head of the Head Office of the development of the construction of the construction site of the ZS Ukraine pidkresliv, pie for the fact of the viyavlennya neyakisnih product kharchuvannya - m'yasnih canning, nadanih firmoyu-postavalnikom TOV "Adamant 2000", for the protection of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, 24 volumes of flowing rock is recognized by the service roslsiduvannya. Ninі prakjuє komіsіya, yaka vzhe vstanovila low narushen, schodo yakikh vzhito zahodiv reaguvannya.

Відповідаючи на запитання журналістів, яким чином недоброякісні canned food wasted on soldier's steel, Colonel Marchenko explained:.

- Ninі organіzatsіya harchuvannya vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv, zokrema postachannya produktіv harchuvannya in Zbroynih Forces zdіysnyuєtsya not Mіnіsterstvom Defense of Ukraine and postachalnikami, SSMSC UCLA s CIM vіdomstvom Treaty on nadannya vіdpovіdnih poslug. At tsjomu zgіdno z dіyuchim legislatstvom prokomozhnost Mіnoborony schodo control diyalostі chih postavlyavіv is exchanged by vimogami pivnyh normativnyh kommentіv ta umovami ugodov.

Що ж стосується консервів, які have spent up to 128-ї brigade, then їхню I buy in TOV "Adamant 2000" здійснила фірма-почальник послуги з харчування. Od virobnika Bulo otrimano OAO All peredbachenі sertifіkati vіdpovіdnostі yakostі produktsії but naspravdі viyavilosya scho pіdpriєmstvo-virobnik, Abi otrimati potrіbnі sertifіkati, Nada for determination of price yakіsnі zrazki konservіv and vіyskovosluzhbovtsyam vіdpravilo produktsіyu, yak th blizko not vіdpovіdala statement in the document settings.

For the words of Colonel Dmitri Marchenka, with the help of the scheme, otrimannya neprosrovsіnimi pіdpriemtci dodatkovogo pribudku fahivtsi Mіnoborony stick not vpershe, sama nimi Golovnne raspavlennya rozvitku zaprozhenzhennya materialnogo zabezpechennia ZS Ukrayiny conduct robot schodo insertion zmіn to the minds of contracts. Now you can pogobachayut, scho in podalshomu zrazki for laboratory doslizhenzhen vidbiratimut vinyatko predstavniki Managing careless care of food products and veterinary medicine, but to prevent zlozhivannya postavalniki. Виїмка зразків стане обов'язковою for skin food partnerships, and for an hour of carrying out the delivery of the warehouse from the productions, seal up the representatives of the defense mission. So, to the soldier's table postachachimut deprive those products of harshness, yakiness of some pidstverdzheno laboratoryno bezsosednyo before vidpravkoyu u vіyska. Taku practice vzhe zastosovuyut with postakannny to Zbroinyh Forces skin of dry pikkiv novyotnogo zrazka.

- Water landing posadovets nadagav, scho u viskovskomu vidomstvі postyyno vіdslіkovoe іnformatsіy schodo nezadovіnogo harchuvannya vіys'kovosluzhbovtsіv. Uprodovzh stream rock bunt upravlіnnya rozvitku that suprovodzhennya materіalnogo zabezpechennya Ukraine ES i pіdporyadkovanі Yomou strukturnі pіdrozdіli zdіysnili 93 viїzdi to vіyskovih Chastain zadlya perevіrok organіzatsії harchuvannya. And to the cob of the sickle with the method of the shvidkogo reaguvannya on zagadanu problematics to the area held by the ATO sent to the post-unoichu robochu group. Just one group at a time to conduct perevirki stosnovo anchovy hurchuvannya in points postinoy dislokatsії, - pidkresliv Colonel Marchenko. - The result of the obviousness of the robotics:

the environment of the foodstuffs turned to the bad guys, the Department of State Purchases and the supply of material resources, submitting 44 claims, some of which are posted to the unsecured suppliers on the fines of 2.8 million UAH.

Nasamkinets O.S., having designated, So the representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, are ready to volunteer at one time, volunteers, ZMІ th Gimadskimi dіyachi vіzzhzhati for the mosk skarg, control of the anchorage of the foodstuffs of our vіyskovichi. Із цією метою functціонує гаряча телефонна лінія, the number of the anchored in the kozhnі їдальні, де харчуться військовослужбовці.

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