Headquarters: one soldier injured in ATU per day, another injured

23 July 2017, 12:56 | Policy
photo glavnoe.ua
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This is reported on the page in the social network by the press center of the headquarters of the ATU:.

Starting from 19 May to 23 Dec., Dec. 15, 2011, the wagon of the mine caliber 120 and 82 mm, grenade launchers, gigantic calderas, striking beats at our strong points near the district of Avdiivki. Внаслідок цих обстрілів one український військовий отримав поранення, ще один травмований. In addition, in the evening, the fighters in the mine of the grenade launchers cried our positions in the vicinity of Piskiv, while the enemy's beats were struck on the Butivka mine.

At the Luganskiy press, trichі під вогонь великаіберних кулеметів opponents have spent Ukrainian positions at Новозванівці, двічі у Новоолександрівці.

Takozh, near 23 gody, maliciously driven by the zion of the city in the Stanitsa Lugans'kiy.

At Mariupol'skomu strait, Mayge opivnichi, Voro oststrіlyav z mіnometіv kalіbru 120 міліметів та гранатометів опорні пітити сил ATO at Лебединському.

Zagalom, for the last time dobu, gangformavannya 17 raziv pomoshili peremir'ya. In naslidok oststrіlu one Ukrainian vіys'kovy otrimav poranennya, shche one travmovany. Sealy ATO 10 razіv vіdkrivali Vogon in vіdpovіd.

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