It became known about Trump's new plans to resolve the situation in Ukraine

21 April 2017, 21:53 | Policy
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Presidential Administration of the United States Donald Trump plans to appoint a new special envoy to establish contact with the Kremlin on the situation in Ukraine. They want to communicate directly with Vladislav Surkov - one of the main assistants to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is reported by BuzzFeed News with reference to two European officials.

The opening of the diplomatic channel was supported by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who discussed this issue with Trump during a meeting at the White House last month.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will monitor the choice of the envoy, who is also expected to have assistants.

One of the US officials admitted that "the idea is being discussed", but "no final decisions have been made".

Under the administration of Barack Obama, the US also had a direct diplomatic channel with Surkov, which was used to discuss the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. The role of the special envoy was then played by Victoria Nuland.

Source: European truth.

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