The benefits and secrets of yogurt

10 February 2025, 07:39 | Health
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Yogurt is a product with a centuries -old history, full of secrets and legends. There are many versions about its origin, each of which is interesting in its own way. One of these stories resembles a fairy tale of how an accident led to the creation of an amazing dairy product. The nomads who transported milk in the wineskins noticed that under the influence of heat and movement, milk turns into something similar to yogurt. This random process has since become the basis for the appearance of yogurt.

The ancient Thracians noticed that sour milk remains longer than fresh, and began to use it to bewitching new milk, which led to the appearance of the first yogurt. However, a real surge in interest in this product occurred in Europe. In particular, yogurt became known thanks to the attending physician of Louis XI, who used the Balkan sour -milk product to treat stomach diseases. Since then, Yogurt began to gain popularity around the world.

Studies of yogurt microflora began to be carried out only at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1910, a student of a medical university in Bulgaria was allocated bacteria, which forms its basis. At this time, Russian medicine became interested in yogurt. Ilya Mechnikov, exploring long -livers, noticed that they regularly used yogurt or yogurt, which, in his opinion, contributed to their longevity. Today we know that the beneficial bacteria of yogurt can save the intestines from putrefactive processes and even reduce the risk of cancer.

Yogurt is not just a delicious product, but also a real antibiotic that helps fight infections such as streptococci and staphylococci. Unlike milk, yogurt is much more easily absorbed by the body, and also helps to restore intestinal microflora. In addition to useful bacteria, yogurt is rich in calcium, B vitamins and vitamin D.

When choosing yogurt in the store, you should be careful. Products marked “terminated” lose their usefulness, and their expiration date increases significantly. Real yogurt, without heat treatment, has a shelf life of no more than one month. It is also important to pay attention to the number of colonies of living bacteria in the product - it should be at least 10^7 per gram.

Another important point is the composition of yogurt. Manufacturers often add fruits, flavors and dyes to the product.

It is better to choose yogurt without additives to add natural fruits, berries or honey at home, which will make the product even more healthy and tasty.

Despite all its advantages, yogurt has some contraindications. People with lactose intolerance should avoid its use. Also, fat yogurts are not recommended with an increased cholesterol level, and yogurts with chemical additives - nursing and future mothers, as well as small children.

. Com. UA.

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