Exercises up to 30 seconds: short training, which can be done while the food is heated

24 January 2025, 18:20 | Health
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Try to use 30 seconds while warming up food in the microwave for something useful, such as short exercises that improve life. This random workout will fill time instead of sitting idle and help you improve your fitness.

You can make several squats, push -ups or jumps in place that attract the whole body and bring results even in such a short activity of activity. We offer to get acquainted with some of these exercises that were proposed in Eat this, not that.

Squats of squats can be done anywhere, even during the brushing of the teeth or in anticipation of the kettle signal. This exercise forms hips and buttocks without any equipment. However, in order to avoid injuries, it is important to keep your legs on the width of the hips and prevent your knees over your toes.

Reverse Lunges To train your quads and glutes, try reverse lunges for 30 seconds on each leg.. Stand straight, take one leg back and bend both knees, lowering low, but hold the front knee above the foot. Lower the back knee almost to the floor. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Backward Leg Swings To tone the gluteus medius muscle, do this exercise.. To do this, get on your knees and hands, lift your bent leg, keeping your heel close to your buttock. Perform small pulse movements with your leg for 30 seconds on each side..

High and low bar the bar strengthens the muscles of the press, hands, triceps and bark. Perform a low plank on your elbows and feet, or a simplified version on your knees, holding the pose for 30 seconds.. For a high bar, climb your outstretched arms, hold your legs straight and linger for 30 seconds.

Birch Leg Raises To strengthen your abdominal muscles, lie on your back, straighten your legs and bring your feet together. Raise your legs up and down, keeping the navel pulled, and slowly lower them. If this is difficult, pull your knees to your chest.

Arm and Forearm Raise Raise your arms above your head at a 90-degree angle, as if you were doing a weightless bench press.. Raising and lowering them to the sky, continue for 30 seconds. Although this may seem like a simple task, after 20 seconds you will feel tension in your shoulders.

Rotation of hands to effectively train your arms and shoulders, stretch both hands on the side and rotate them in small circles forward, and then backward. Perform this movement within 30 seconds. This will help improve your training efficiency..

Cardio increase the pulse and burn fat in just 30 seconds per day. Run in place and actively move your arms. This simple approach will help to train effectively without difficult exercises.

Sumo squats for the effective effect on the buttocks and the inside of the thighs perform a sumo-outbuilding for 30 seconds.

Spread your legs wide, hold the heels on the floor, and point the knees to the side. Slowly go down, holding your back straight and return to the starting position without blurring your knees. Perform 10 repetitions, then hold in a low squat for 10 seconds.

Hip Raises To improve the shape of your inner thighs and core, try leg raises. Bend the foot, raise your foot from the ground until you feel the tension in the thigh. Then pulsate up and down one centimeter, holding 10 seconds at every step. Repeat the movements 10 times.

Based on materials: eatthis.com

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