Energetic massage for elastic skin

24 January 2025, 05:26 | Health
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Skin irregularities, known to many as “orange peel”, worry most women and even some men.. Although medical science does not consider this phenomenon a disease, many seek to improve the appearance of the skin. There are many cosmetics that promise to cope with this task, but massage has proven itself most effectively.

The main advantage of massage is its ability to stimulate blood circulation and accelerate the metabolism in tissues. Energetic movements performed during the procedure improve oxygen access to skin cells, which helps to reduce irregularities. Such massage can be performed at home, not inferior in terms of efficiency of salon procedures.

Before starting the massage, it is important to choose a comfortable position and prepare the skin.. It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning or in the evening, when the body is relaxed. Use natural oils or moisturizers to minimize friction. Start by massaging your right leg, moving from bottom to top..

To begin, lightly pinch the skin to stimulate blood flow.. Then, bending your fingers, knead the areas with irregularities, moving from the inside of the thigh to the external. On more sensitive areas, such as the inner thigh, movements should be softer, and on the outer side, more vigorous..

Buttocks also require attention.

Use relaxed fists to lightly tap, gradually increasing pressure. After that, go to the waist area. Here it is better to use quick rubbing movements with your palms. Gradual warming of the skin improves its elasticity and appearance.

After the procedure, it is important to drink enough water. This helps the body quickly get rid of toxins and improves overall well -being. Regular massage combined with an active lifestyle and proper nutrition will make your skin smoother and firmer..

E-News. com. ua.

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