Dangers of Drinking Raw Milk

22 January 2025, 18:32 | Health
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Raw milk, despite its popularity among natural dieters, can pose serious health risks.. American scientists examined 13 years of data on milk-related food poisoning outbreaks, and the results were alarming..

disease statistics.

The analysis revealed that about 60% of all toxicological diseases associated with milk were caused by consuming the product raw. The remaining 39% of cases were from pasteurized milk, confirming that heat treatment significantly reduces risks.

why is raw milk dangerous

Raw milk harbors a variety of bacteria, including pathogens such as salmonella, E. coli and listeria. If these bacteria enter the human body, they can lead to severe infections, especially in children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems..

solution for raw milk lovers.

For those who are not ready to completely give up raw milk, experts recommend pasteurizing it at home.. This can be done by heating the milk to a temperature of 70–80°C for 30–60 seconds.. This method destroys dangerous bacteria, while leaving most of the nutrients and taste unchanged..

Why is pasteurization dangerous by eye

It is important to follow precise recommendations, as insufficient heating may leave behind some bacteria, and overheating can destroy beneficial substances.

Using a kitchen thermometer helps you maintain precise temperature control..

prevention as the main method of protection.

Avoiding food poisoning is possible by choosing dairy products responsibly. It is better to give preference to pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized products that have undergone the necessary processing.

Thus, raw milk can indeed pose a health risk, but proper pasteurization helps minimize this risk while maintaining the benefits and taste of the drink.

e-news. com. ua.

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