We strengthen immunity: folk methods

17 January 2018, 16:41 | Health
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What do we mean by immunity? The ability of our body to resist various kinds of diseases and infections. What does immunity mean in the scientific sense?.

Immunity - the ability of living beings to resist the action of damaging agents, preserving their integrity and biological individuality; protective reaction of the body (from lat. Immunitas - liberation, deliverance), as reported by the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. net Immunity can be hereditary and conditioned by innate features of the body. No less important is the acquired passive immunity, in childhood it develops in the transmission of antibodies to a child with breast milk, and later - with the artificial introduction of antibodies. For these purposes, from time immemorial, man has used all the valuable that nature gives us. The first information on the use of medicinal properties of plants (of course, not only to strengthen immunity, but also to treat a variety of diseases) can be found in the "Election of Svyatoslav" - one of the ancient monuments of Russian culture. During the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, Armenian doctors were famous for the art of herbal medicine in Kiev. Arriving from the Greek Athos monastery, the monks made manuals on herbal medicine, using the achievements of Hippocrates and Galen. And, of course, it would be unfair to forget the people's prescriptions in such an important matter as strengthening immunity, especially since the pharmaceuticals developed to strengthen immunity also use the strength of natural components.

Natural remedies that enhance immunity are herbs.

You can prepare a complex herbal wellness tea: St. John's wort, birch buds, sandy immortelle grass, valerian root, oregano grass, medicinal angelica root, centaury grass, calendula flowers, nettle root, chicken root, linden flowers, coltsfoot leaves, leaves mint, dandelion root, plantain leaves, laurel grass, chamomile flowers, pine buds, cumin fruit, yarrow herb, thyme herb, celandine grass, sage herb, eucalyptus leaves. All (or at least 14) components are taken in equal proportions, for example, 14 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 3 liters of steep boiling water. Tea should be infused for 8 hours and stored in the refrigerator (no more than 4 days). It is taken one hour before a meal in a warm form (no later than 3 hours before bedtime).

You can brew these herbs separately, especially celandine, St. John's wort.

Good helps strengthen the immunity of dog rose. It can be brewed separately (well in thermos), but it is possible in the following combinations:.

Shredded hawthorn and dogrose fruits by 1 teaspoon, raspberry fruits - 1 teaspoon, green tea - 1 teaspoonful. Brew at the rate of 1 h. mixture for 2 cups of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drink with honey.

Shredded rose hips, nettle grass, herbs in equal quantities. 2 tablespoons of the collection pour in a thermos of 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse for 1 hour. Drink with honey hot 0. 5 cups 2 3 times a day.

One tablespoon of the root of elecampane, 2 tablespoons of rose hips, pour 0.75 liters of boiling water in a thermos, insist 2 hours. Before use add 2 drops of fir oil to each serving and take 0.5 cups hot 2 times a day.

Two more gifts of nature that increase immunity due to high protein content are the fruits of walnut and badger fat.

To make a mixture, the nuts are ground in a meat grinder and mixed with sugar and honey in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is placed in a tightly closed container in a dark place for a month. The received product is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 10 days.

Badger fat in the liquid state is consumed inside half an hour before meals or two hours later (100% absorbed into the blood) by a tablespoon. Take it 2 times a day (preferably in the morning and in the evening) for 2 weeks. You can mix with honey (3 parts badger fat and 1 part honey). It is recommended to drink badger fat with decoction (infusion) of rose hips or St. John's wort flowers.

Well help such plants as echinacea, ginseng, golden root (rodeola pink), Schisandra. Tinctures of these plants are sold in pharmacies, they need to be consumed 0.3 grams before meals three times a day, preferably long before sleep, since all these tinctures have a strong tonic effect. However, it is necessary to take into account contraindications: hypertension, increased excitability and some others.

An excellent immunomodulator, known even to our great-grandmothers, - aloe. Prepare a firming medicine simply: half a glass of aloe juice mixed with a glass of honey, add a glass of cahors, take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day before eating.

If you are positive about such a substance as a mummy, you can do the following (by buying a mummy in a pharmacy):.

to 5-8 g mumie add a few drops of water, bring to a mushy state, add 500 grams of natural honey, mix thoroughly. Take a tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. Store in a cool place.

mix 100 grams of aloe, 5 grams of mummies and juice of 3 lemons, withstand a day, drink 3 times a day for 1 st. spoonful.

In addition to all the above, it is worthwhile to follow the recommendations on nutrition, also concerning the increase of the general resistance of the organism, namely: use:.

vegetables, fruits and berries: carrots, beets, cabbage, beans, radishes, red peppers, pomegranates, raisins, aronia, apricots, prunes, apples, red grapes, cranberries, nuts (especially cedar), olive oil, and red grape wine;.

especially useful horseradish, garlic, onions, decoctions of flax. Add as much greens as possible - parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, celery;.

seafood (preferably squid and sea kale) and fish;.

products containing potassium: baked potatoes, apricots, nuts, buckwheat and oatmeal;.

sour-milk products with bifidobacteria (fresh, while the bacteria live);.

green tea;.

drinking water must be of impeccable quality, be sure to use filters Female StyleHive Magazine. en.

Based on materials: pannochka.net

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